Our Virtual Tuition Centres are perfect
for all your learning support needs
Just £55 per week for 5 one hour sessions
What you get:
Individualised access to our study programme
1 hour per day Virtual Tuition Centre session Monday to Friday
(max 4 students/session) -
Easy to understand reports to measure progress
Free membership of Shop2Learn to help you save on your everyday shopping
If you have more than one child,
you can share the sessions between them!
(as long as they each have their own Study Programme login)

If your children were attending a tuition centre such as Kumon, Kip McGrath, Explore Learning or First Class Learning until recently, or if you are looking for help in learning support for your children while they are not attending school – this new service is for you.
My Own Tutor is uniquely placed to offer a much more affordable effective solution to help your children. Our methods are built on the understanding of the 6 elements which make for successful learning. Our study programme was specifically designed with these principles at its heart. Our ability to smoothly transition all of our operations to a virtual environment is unique in the tuition world.
There are SIX ELEMENTS which make for successful education support:
(Hover over each element)

A regular timetable helps to get your children to do their work. A regular routine where they attend the Virtual Centre at the same time every morning or afternoon really helps to keep their learning going.
When students work with
My Own Tutor, each question they answer gets marked immediately. This is educationally very important, since it prevents them from believing that a wrong method is the correct one.
When a student is struggling with an exercise or topic at school and perhaps doesn't have the confidence to ask, they can watch and rewatch topic based lessons in their own time and combine that with the tuition support they get in the VTC
The reports we create show exactly where each student needs extra help. So you can see exactly how your children are doing; where they are making progress and where they need help.
What happens in between tuition sessions is just as important as the session itself. Students can find practice exercises in most subjects up to GCSE meaning that they can be ready for any upcoming test, and maintain their mental muscles in between tuition sessions to turbocharge their progress.
The tutors use the reports also to proactively choose where to help your children. This means that they can be more proactive and focus primarily on the areas that require support

Our Virtual Tuition Centres have been designed to address all of these elements.
We provide daily sessions where the student can attend each at the same time, or the same day and time each week. 5 sessions a week including 24/7 access to their own personalised study programme is just £55.00
There are never more than 4 students in the study session. During the study session we expect them (under our tutor’s supervision) to be getting on with their schoolwork or My Own Tutor work. When they encounter a problem, they put up their virtual hand and the tutor helps them individually while the other students get on with their work. Using the reports in My Own Tutor, the tutor can also help the student on an individual basis in the topics that the student is struggling with. And after the session, the student can use the My Own Tutor study programme to practise any subject or topic they like. And we have ways of making it fun for students to do their work.
Consider this. If you subscribe to a 5 session per week package, as long as each child has their own Study Programme Package, you can share the sessions among the children. Only one may attend each session, but it can be any of your children who attends.
Compare that to paying around £120 per month for one child in one of the other tuition centre services, where they do not have a 24/7 study programme which provides work which is marked. They have no lessons to watch, may not follow the National Curriculum, do not provide 5 hours access to a tutor per week and do not provide reports...
Meanwhile My Own Tutor gives you:
Exercises and lessons in Maths, English and Science
Exercises in all other subjects up to GCSE
Our programme follows the National Curriculum
Reports you can look at any time which show at topic level where your children need help
Weekly email reports summarising last week’s work
Individual help on topics that your child needs help with – 5 hours a week
Free membership of Shop2Learn
All for just £55 per week!